Note: To download older versions just append the version number with the download URL.
2.2.4 Bug fixes and Improvements with option for users to add comments on poll answers.
2.2.3 Now poll end date can be selected by months and years making it possible to create poll that will never end. This version is avalilable to download
2.2.2 Option added so that users can Activate polls from frontend. This version is avalilable to download
2.2.1 New filters and actions are added. This version is avalilable to download
2.2.0 Bug fixes and other improvements. This version is avalilable to download
2.1.5 Bug fixes and other improvements. This version is avalilable to download
2.1.4 .POT file added in languages folder for easy translation. This version is avalilable to download
2.1.3 Settings added to restrict non logged in users from attending poll or quiz. This version is avalilable to download
2.1.2 Bug fixed. If using older version of the plugin then plugin needs to be deactivated and reactivated once.This version is avalilable to download
2.1.1 Poll summery field added. Responsive bug fixed. If using older version of the plugin then plugin needs to be deactivated and reactivated once. This version is avalilable to download
2.1.0 Single page added for polls. Poll creator will be notified by email once admin activate the poll from admin panel. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.7 Bug fixed. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.6 Images are used instead of Font Awesome for social share icons. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.5 Display quiz answers randomly, bug fixes. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.4 Timer feature added for quizzes and other bug fixes. Please deactivate and reactivate the plugin once to enable timer feature. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.3 Plugin code update and bug fix. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.2 Arabic text related bug fixed. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.1 Now user data can be storted after or before quiz. This version is avalilable to download
2.0.0 Now you can add Quizzes with the plugin. This version is avalilable to download
1.4.0 Plugin license updated. This version is avalilable to download
1.3.9 Updated version of the plugin can be downloaded from plugin settings section. This version is avalilable to download
1.3.8 Plugin code structure updated. Now the plugin will work much faster.
1.3.7 Bug fixed.
1.3.6 Poll SORT option added.
1.3.5 APIs endpoint changed.
1.3.4 Social Share option added.
1.3.3 Pagination class updated.
1.3.2 loopback issue fixed.
1.3.1 Shortcode to display all active polls in a single page.
1.3.0 Plugin code updated with Poll result view update.
1.2.6 Some Bugs are fixed.
1.2.5 Plugin KEY validation issue fixed.
1.2.4 Plugin validation and improvements in news widget.
1.2.3 Some bug fixed.
1.2.2 Plugin version controll added.
1.2.1 Poll edit functionality modified.
1.2.0 Voting poll bar color and height can be managed from plugin settings section.
1.1.0 jQuery datepicker dependencies updated.
1.0.0 This is the first release.